What is Ideal?

Ideal is a carefully curated shop composed of unique, design-conscious gifts and accessories. The objects we choose are creative, authentic, and refined. They are inspired by the vision of talented artists and designers from around the world.

Our store was formed with our own ideal in mind: that shopping should always be a personal and thoughtful experience.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Classic Audubon Bird Call and Soda Bottle Feeder

For over fifty years, the Audubon Bird Call has been crafted by hand in Rhode Island by the Eddy family. This elegantly simple design consists of a birchwood roller and a zinc plug. When the roller is twisted, the call emits chirps and tweets that emulate wild songbirds. Each call is $9.00.


Roger Eddy, shown in the photo below with his family and friends assembling the call in his living room in 1951, created the call after seeing similar devices used in Northern Italy. Roger died in 2003, and his grandchildren have continued this family business.

Also in for your feathered friends, the original Soda Bottle Bird Feeder ($12). This zinc adapter attaches to a recycled two-liter soda bottle, which holds sunflower seeds. The feeder can be hung or pole-mounted, and is squirrel-proof.